Privacy Policy

The text of the Privacy Policy you are now reading will give you an idea of how the relationship between our company and you works. In the following, instead of Sportybet, you may encounter “We”, “Us” or “Our” as the case may be. Sportybet takes great care in processing personal data and that is why it will only be processed for a strictly defined purpose – to provide you with online betting services.

Sportybet of course cannot disclose the data provided by you, but there are exceptions when we are obliged to do so, for example, under the applicable law, legal proceedings, or at the request of a law enforcement agency to prevent illegal money laundering and terrorist activities. Disclosure of information may also occur in the case of public necessity. 

At any time the user, when leaving a request, can get access to the data stored about him to make changes and delete irrelevant data. This is not done on a gratuitous basis. 

Please note that if you provide us with personal data and use our services you automatically agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with at least one clause of the policy do not provide us with personal data and do not start using our services to prevent any undesirable situation for you.


Privacy is of paramount importance for Sportybet and that is why we carefully follow the law enforcement in this area. If you wish to use our services, please read the Privacy Policy and what data we collect, where we store it, and how we protect it, as you automatically agree to its provisions when you start using our services. 

The text of the policy may change from time to time due to amendments. It is therefore advisable to check the text occasionally for updates.

Purpose of Collection

Data is collected for specific purposes, thus we collect it for the following purposes:

  • To satisfy regulatory and legal requirements;
  • To maintain statistics;
  • To comply with the law and ensure the safety of users;
  • To provide the full range of our services.

We also collect data for secondary purposes, for example, to communicate with you via email, telephone, or live chat to assist you and to inform you about events, bonuses, and promotions.

By sharing your data with us, you automatically agree that its subsequent use in strict accordance with our Privacy Policy will not be considered a violation of the law. If you have any questions, you can contact our staff at any time.

All the data you report will be stored on a well-protected server with state-of-the-art encryption to ensure the highest possible level of security.

Disclosure of information to 3rd parties

By providing us with data we ensure its security in various ways, but we cannot be 100% sure that the data transmitted over the Internet will not leak. Therefore, users themselves should also take all security measures when transmitting personal data on the Internet. Please make sure that the data is transmitted only on our official website, as fraudsters can simply access your data under the guise of the official website.

Access to information

Please note that our company and anti-fraud team will have public access to all your data if you have completed the registration process. If your details have changed and you wish to make additions or simply view the data held about you, please contact our staff to request this. Immediately afterwards you will be given access to the current information we hold about you. If the changes are substantial, we may provide a document certifying the change of data, for example, if you change your name.


Any citizen or resident of a European country who wishes to have their data completely deleted can contact us by accessing the “Help” section of the official website or mobile app.

Privacy Commitment

Our company makes every effort to communicate our Privacy Policy to each user. This is done to ensure the privacy of users’ personal information. At times, our official website may contain links to other sites that have their privacy policies and therefore have different information collection and protection goals than we do. We do not share your data with such sites. If you decide to click on a link, please read the Privacy Policy of that site. Sometimes Sportybet may use your data for purposes other than those stated at the time of collection, in which case each user will be notified in advance.